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Born in the enchanting land of Assam at Tinsukia District, the easternmost part of his country India, which boasts of some of the most beautiful Landscapes of his motherland. Tridib draws his constant inspiration from the lives that lead to a composite culture amidst the bounty of mother nature Assam.     

Probably it all started when he was born when he took over sense. Probably it was all his father, who he inherited it from!

The journey literally began in his childhood, when he roamed about, with his grandfather, all down the lanes, by-lanes and the countryside of his place. References of those moments peeped through his childhood drawings and still are reminiscent of, in his present-day works too.  

In the early stage of his voyage, he took up BALL PEN as a tool to express his artistic urge. The very cultural aspects of Assamese life have always been a vibe of inspirations for his expressions, what eventually resulted in a series of Ball Pen Works titled ASSAM IN BOHAG BIHU, depicting celebration of Bohag Bihu (The springtime festival of Assam). The series was subsequently exhibited in a mega Tinsukia Book Fair in the year 1995, followed by several other shows across the state. The collection thereupon compiled and distributed widely across the country.  
 SEEN UNSEEN A VISUAL POETRY OF GUWAHATI,  was yet another series of Ball Pen Works, he strived to capture in his ball pens with the moments of a City Life. The series was exhibited in Earth Song in the year 2001 at Guwahati.
Since 2003 he took to Oil as his medium of expression. Simple and straightforward in his signature of realism, Tridib loves to find himself lost in the lights, shades and shadows of his composition, what he says ‘‘I live lost in my canvas’’. His series of works titled NOSTALGIA is a visual statement of what he expresses ‘My works are an embedded fossils of the moments of my life, I live, when I depict them’’, so for most of his works found their place on the walls of his esteemed collectors when he exhibited them on  the Golden Jubilee Exhibition of Tinsukia College. from 22nd to 25th November 2006,

Being a core constituent of 'AESTHETICS a band of visual and applied artists’ he handles all the online activities of the group, trying to bring the struggling artists together and creating an ecosystem in the quest of survival.   

Read his blog and find his works at .  

         Mob: +91 8636081995
                  +91 9854825643 
                  +91 9954457464                                               

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